

public final PresentationRelationship extends Enum


(for rendering expectations/interpretation, see VUIEquipmentInterpreter) valid for attributes and associations: Integral A very close, integral part of it's container. E.g. this can be used for members of data types (like "RGB"), whose constituents will not be rendered with separated labels, but probably with tiny input frame annotations, or with input placeholders. Part The element is a normal, relevant, visible part of it's container. Meta The element represents some property that contains meta information concerning the respective main item that it is part of. Aside Additional information, not directly associated with content. E.g History of country x as content, aside country has 1000 citicens Attachment Supplementary information attached to content, but not visible in pane // Detail // Selected Detail of content, visible // was macht das? ist das nicht das gleiche wie PresentationImportance/Tightness // oder geht es um was anderes? // Companion // gibt es in vui.xuxf, was ist die Bedeutung? --> "Interesting information" ... ?



public static final com.sphenon.modelling.xmodel.PresentationRelationship Integral



public static final com.sphenon.modelling.xmodel.PresentationRelationship Part



public static final com.sphenon.modelling.xmodel.PresentationRelationship Meta



public static final com.sphenon.modelling.xmodel.PresentationRelationship Aside



public static final com.sphenon.modelling.xmodel.PresentationRelationship Attachment



public static com.sphenon.modelling.xmodel.PresentationRelationship[] values ()



public static com.sphenon.modelling.xmodel.PresentationRelationship valueOf (String name)