

Properties, that are applied to the original (UML) model before first MDA transformaion is applied.



A list of model aggregates that describe additional attributes to be included in the given model class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of model aggregates that describe additional operations to be included in the given model class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of model aggregates that describe additional classes to be included in the given model package; alternatively, this property can be specified at patterns, inducing the given classes in the package that contains the pattern.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ patterns ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of model aggregates that describe additional bases to be derived from at model level.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states