



Whether this component is a normal service container or acting as a provisioning volume content package.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



Whether this service is a network service or a volume service.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ spaces ∙ ☐ artefacts ∙ ☑ services



Name of a DockerContainer.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



Name of the image used for a DockerContainer.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



A list of ports provided on a Service that are supplied and consumed by connected DockerContainers, or, if the Service is only connected to a single, serving DockerContainer, a public service.
A port is either a single number, or can consist of two colon separated numbers, representing a port mapping.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ spaces ∙ ☐ artefacts ∙ ☑ services



A list of mount points provided on a Service that are used to map a connected DockerVolume to. There must be exactly as many mount points given as there are defined on the volume.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ spaces ∙ ☐ artefacts ∙ ☑ services



Name of a docker network to use if provided on DockerContainer, or, if provided on DockerHost, to create, and used as a default for contained containers.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



A list of volume names to be created for DockerVolumes.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



A list of named values to be defined as environment settings for DockerContainers.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services