If true, a CreateTransaction OCP is created for this model class. It
defines a transaction which creates instances of the respective class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, an EditTransaction OCP is created for this model class. It
defines a transaction which updates instances of the respective class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a DeleteTransaction OCP is created for this model class. It
defines a transaction which deletes instances of the respective class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a BrowseTransaction OCP is created for this model class. It
defines a transaction which allows browsing of instances of the
respective class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, an InstanceTransaction OCP is created for viewing and editing this model
Such an InstanceTransaction defines a transaction which allows
in addition to editing instances of the respective class also viewing
and invoking of specific Tools which can be attached to it.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a Transaction OCP is created for this model class, which
should represent an application domain transaction (ADTx). It basically
wraps the java class within an ocp class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a Singleton OCP is created for this model class, which
should represent an application domain singleton. It basically
wraps the java class within an ocp class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a SingletonSubSpace OCP is created to interact with the singleton
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, an EditorSubSpace OCP is created for editing this model class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, an EditorTransaction OCP is created editing this model class.
Such an EditorTransaction defines a transaction which allows
maintaining instances of the respective class, i.e.
browsing, creating, updating and deleting.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, an EditorTransactionSubSpace OCP is created editing this model class.
Such an EditorTransactionSubSpace contains a single EditorTransaction
for the respective class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a MainSpace OCP is created containing all editor subspaces.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a MainLogin OCP is created which hides the mainspace until the
user logs in.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true and used on package level, a default SubSpace OCP is created
for this package, which by default contains all editor and singleton
If true and used on class level, a SubSpace OCP is created for the
respective class. Note: using this mechanism it is possible to create
SubSpaces corresponding to core classes, but also "stand alone"
SubSpaces completely independent of a core class.
See XMAssembly/SubSpaces how to configure space containment.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---
If true, a PerformanceIndicators OCP is created which can be used to
register the various performance indicators of this package.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association
ends ∙ ☐ states
Evaluation context: ---