



Whether this component is a normal service container or acting as a provisioning volume content package.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



Whether this service is a network service or a volume service.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ spaces ∙ ☐ artefacts ∙ ☑ services



Name of a DockerContainer.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



Name of the image used for a DockerContainer.
This entry can be a dynamic string, which is interpreted in the scope of the current element. Specifically, system elements, spaces and artefacts can e.g. be accessed via space locators.
Moreover, two special syntax forms are supported for artefacts with stereotype 'ProvisioningPackage'. For such artefacts, if this image property starts with '«file»' or '«archive»', the package contents to be provisioned are not extracted from an image, but from the local file system. In the former case from a file, and in the latter case from a tgz archive.
These two syntax forms are in particular: first '«file»SOURCE:TARGET', where 'SOURCE' is a local file system path to a file, and 'TARGET' is the full target file path of that file within the volume to be deployed into. And second '«archive»SOURCE:TARGET', where 'SOURCE' is a local file system path to a tgz archive, and 'TARGET' is the full target path of a folder within the volume to be deployed into the contents of that archive.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



A list of ports provided on a Service that are supplied and consumed by connected DockerContainers, or, if the Service is only connected to a single, serving DockerContainer, a public service.
A port is either a single number, or can consist of two colon separated numbers, representing a port mapping.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ spaces ∙ ☐ artefacts ∙ ☑ services



A list of mount points provided on a Service that are used to map a connected DockerVolume to. There must be exactly as many mount points given as there are defined on the volume.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ spaces ∙ ☐ artefacts ∙ ☑ services



Name of a docker network to use if provided on DockerContainer, or, if provided on DockerHost, to create, and used as a default for contained containers.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



A list of volume names to be created for DockerVolumes.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services



A list of named values to be defined as environment settings for DockerContainers.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☑ spaces ∙ ☑ artefacts ∙ ☐ services