

Code and settings, that are used in the vui adapter class.



In adapters with features with multiplicities, this expression evaluates to the current multiplicity of a feature.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



The name of the application domain class which is handled by the respective vui adapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



The name of the package, where the application domain class resides, which is handled by the respective vui adapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Additional bases of the generated VUIObjectAdapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Additional interfaces of the generated VUIObjectAdapter. E.g., "VUIEntityTransaction".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Additional bases of the generated VUIManyAdapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Additional interfaces of the generated VUIManyAdapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Indicates whether equipments can be shared between VUIAdapter instances and on which level.
Please note that in derived adapter instances the settings of the most derived adapter apply. I.e., sharing settings of the base class are of no influence for such instances.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



An expression evaluating to an array of equipment types that can be shared according to "EquipmentSharing".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of colon separated triplets, each containing a name of a feature, a VUIEquipment subtype, and a VUIResource subtype. E.g. "Name:Content:Value" would denote the feature named "Name", a "VUIEquipmentContent" with a "VUIResourceValue". The respective equipments and resources are retrieved from the given feature and added to the equipments of the given class.
If the feature name is followed by a slash separated 'Value', as in e.g. "Name/Value:Content:Value", the feature is assumed to be a Slot and the equipments are taken from it's value, not from the Slot itself.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Used internally to pass XMVUI/InstanceEquipmentsFromAttributes and from logical model to technical model.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☐ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of colon separated pairs, each containing a name of a feature and a VUIIndicator subtype. E.g. "Name:Access" would denote the feature named "Name" and a "VUIIndicatorAccess". The respective indicators are retrieved from the given feature and added to the equipments of the given class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the application domain instance is checked whether it implements the interface
, and if so, these equipment resources are processed and used in the VUI adapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



An expression that evaluates to the id of the VUIAdapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



An expression that evaluates to the id of a feature of the VUIAdapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



The name of an ADO attribute that is used as the current adapter id. Used alternatively to "AdapterId".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is inserted in the class body of the repective VUI adapter, or if used at feature level, inserted in the respective inner feature adapter class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is inserted in the class body of the repective VUI many adapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Additional arguments appended to the signature of VUI adapter constructors.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code to create or retrieve an ADO if the adapter is created without an ADO instance as a constructor argument.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code to create or retrieve a vector of ADOs if the adapter is created without a ADM instance as a constructor argument.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code that is inserted into all constructors after assigning or creating the ADO instance.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true and the ADO implements the interface "LifeCycled", the ADO is notified if the VUI adapter is destroyed.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the type of the VUI adapter instance will be parametrised with the runtime type of the corresponding ADOs. E.g., if the adapter is of type "VUIEntityObject_Person", the resulting type will be "VUIEntityObject_Person<Person>" or "VUIEntityObject_Person<Programmer>".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the type of the equipment "ApplicationDomainType" is not statically based on the ADC (application domain class), but the ADOs (instances) are assumed to implement the "Typed" interface and the type is taken from the respective "getType" method.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true and used on classes, change events from the ADO will be propagated to listeners of the VUI adapter (i.e. typically UI handlers).
If true and used on attributes,
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code that indicates whether the feature list needs to be recalculated. Various checks are made anyway, like permission changes etc. This check is made in addition, if the code returns true, the feature list is rebuild.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code that indicates and reports the current transaction state of a VUI adapter resp. it's associated ADO. Visible transaction states are used to do state dependent view filtering.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the value of the annotated attribute is used as the current transaction state, see TransactionStateExpression.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code that indicates and fetches current selection container.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the value of the annotated attribute is used as the current selection container, it must be of type GeneralSelection.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code that indicates and fetches current process state.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the value of the annotated attribute is used as the current process state, it must be of type Execution.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of material that is used to create hints to the user to indicate that attention is required, i.e. to note certain situations, like work to be done, problems to be examined and alike.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the VUI adapter provides an IndicatorLifeCycle which reports the ADO LifeCycle state to the interface (e.g. to gray out zombie objects in outdated query result sets). The ADO is assumed to implement the interface "LifeCycled".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code that produces a path (locator) by which a VUI adapter representing that same ADO can be retrieved from the VUI root.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A regular expression that must be matched for a tool to be included in the ToolBox. THIS CONSTRUCT WILL SOON BE REPLACED BY BUSINESS INTERACTION LAYER MECHANISMS.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A regular expression that must not be matched for a tool to be included in the ToolBox. THIS CONSTRUCT WILL SOON BE REPLACED BY BUSINESS INTERACTION LAYER MECHANISMS.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A regular expression that must be matched for a menu entry to be included in the Menu. THIS CONSTRUCT WILL SOON BE REPLACED BY BUSINESS INTERACTION LAYER MECHANISMS.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A regular expression that must not be matched for a menu entry to be included in the Menu. THIS CONSTRUCT WILL SOON BE REPLACED BY BUSINESS INTERACTION LAYER MECHANISMS.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of expression that create additional VUIEquipment instances directly.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Determines to which degree the respective feature is visible.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the standard search mechanism to find a VUI selector is enabled. Only relevant for changeable attributes or associations. If a selector is found, no search for editors is performed. I.e., if a custom editor is available, the default selector must not be enabled.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is inserted directly into initialiser of the generated vui adapter implementation.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Mode of the VUI adapter if no explicit mode is set. Typical values are "readonly" or "readwrite", but also any user defined mode name is valid.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code that dynamically determines the type of a feature. THIS PROPERTY IS DEPRECATED AND NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If specified, the VUI adapter to represent this attribute is automatically set to this mode.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the feature uses the same mode control as the containing vui adapter class.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of mappings from vui adapter states to feature modes.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If specified, this view is selected as the default view of this VUI adapter if no view is provided externally for instantiation.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If specified, the feature is unconditionally set to this view.
Note: declaring a View at a feature has two implications: first, the View is used for View-dependent visibility and changeability filtering, and second, it is also applied to the adapter of the value of the feature.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the features uses the same view control as the containing vui adapter class.
If declared at class level, all features inherit the view control of the containing class.
This property can be used in conjunction with XMVUI/View and XMVUI/ViewMap. If so, a merged view is provided.
Note: declaring a View at a feature has two implications: first, the View is used for View-dependent visibility and changeability filtering, and second, it is also applied to the adapter of the value of the feature.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of mappings from vui adapter states to feature views.
Note: declaring a View at a feature has two implications: first, the View is used for View-dependent visibility and changeability filtering, and second, it is also applied to the adapter of the value of the feature.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that evaluates to a string denoting the initial type to be used for presenting this feature. This type is applied when the respective VUIAdapter is created initially. I.e., if the user afterwards chooses another presentation type, the users choice is used.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, while retrieving a feature value from a vui adapter, an additional check is performed whether the underlying ADO has morphed (i.e. it's structure changed fundamentally).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, while retrieving a feature value in a vui vector adapter, an additional check is performed whether the underlying ADO has morphed (i.e. it's structure changed fundamentally).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, while retrieving a feature value from a vui adapter, the cached VUIAdapter for the feature is reused, if the respective adapter supports it.
Support for reuse is controlled by the properties XMVUI/ObjectAdapterReusability and XMVUI/ManyAdapterReusability.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, while retrieving a feature value from a vui adapter, an additional check is performed whether the underlying ADO has changed while it's ObjectId did not.
If so, and the cached VUIAdapter for the feature supports it, it is reused.
The ObjectId is determined by checking whether the ADOs implement the interface ADIdentifyable and getting the ObjectId via this interface. Typically this mechanism is used to provide a persistent identity while the Java instance identity is not preserved due to different session contexts (db transaction contexts).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the generated VUI object adapter is reusable, so it can be reused in conjunction with features where the XMVUI/AdapterReuse property is set.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the generated VUI many adapter is reusable, so it can be reused in conjunction with features where the XMVUI/AdapterReuse property is set.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A type, which is added as a type parameter to the default type of VUIEntities used to represent this attribute.
If, e.g. this attributes type is "String", a VUIEntitySimple will be used to represent it. The default type of this VUIEntitySimple is, of course, just "VUIEntitySimple". Now, if a type parameter "Media::JavaSource" is specified, the resulting type of the VUIEntitySimple will be "VUIEntitySimple<Media::JavaSource>".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is used to retrieve the current value of the respective ADO feature. If omitted, the default is to use the respective ADO getter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is used to update the current value of the respective ADO feature. If omitted, the default is to use the respective ADO setter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is used to validate the current value of the respective ADO feature. If omitted, the default is to use the respective ADO validator.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that resolves to a type and is passed to the VUIEntityManager to retrieve a VUIAdapter.
If the current attribute value is null, this type is used to retrieve the adapter, otherwise, in contrast to XMVUI/AliasType, the dynamic runtime type of the attribute value is used.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Declares the respective model element as a "VUI alias" and provides the mapping type behind that alias. Aliases are used for two purposes. First, they provide a way to introduce new types in the VUI without the need to extend the business logic, e.g. to associated a specific choice list to them. Secondly, they provide a way to add fine grained semantics to the model without the need to overload the business logic with all those types.
In contrast to XMVUI/StaticType, this type is always used, even if the instance is not null.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Type for retrieving appropriate Selector
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



An editor that is used to modify the respective feature. If specified on feature level, it applies to that feature. If applied on class level, all features of the corresponding type use it. The feature level editor has priority over the class level editor.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, a BLC slot editor is searched for and if one is found, a respective VUI adapter used to modify the respective feature. If specified on class level, the property applies to all attributes of the respective type.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



This can be used on attribute level to override the setting of XMVUI/TryBLCSlotEditor on class level. Typically, this might be necessary within implementation of such slot editors, since otherwise by nested editors an infinite recursive cycle might be created.
It is also useful in cases a class is declared as contained, but this class has multiple associations. In such cases, this containment might refer only to one association, so it is necessary to override BLCSlotEditor for the other.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Normally, if an attribute is changeable and an editor is used for that attribute, and if that attribute's value changes, the respective editor is not recreated, but reused.
Set this property to true to prevent this behaviour and force recreation of the editor. This is necessary in cases where different types of editors are used for different types of values.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, while editing this feature, new instances of the respective feature class cannot be created (on the fly) and then assigned to the feature. Such intances must be created somewhere else in the UI.
This should only be used to improve usability of the respective feature, since it does not prohibit creation in general. If you want to disable creation in general, use other appropriate mechanisms (e.g. permissions).
If not provided or evaluating to false, this does not imply that instances can be created, since various more conditions must be fulfilled for that (e.g. permissions).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, while editing this feature, instances of the respective feature class cannot be selected from a choice set and then assigned to the feature.
This should only be used to improve usability of the respective feature, since it does not prohibit selection in general. If you want to disable selection in general, use other appropriate mechanisms (e.g. permissions).
If not provided or evaluating to false, this does not imply that instances can be selected, since various more conditions must be fulfilled for that (e.g. permissions).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



This property can be specified on Classes.
Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, this class cannot be opened directly, e.g. on the browser page or via the browser toolkit, but instead only implicitly viewed via containing relations is possible.
Note that this only affects detached opening. A user interface frontend renderer is still free to provide zooming capabilities, in fact it might be required to do this (as e.g. determined via an EquipmentInterpreter). Zooming might look exactly like Opening, but comprises a slightly different action.
This should only be used to improve usability of the respective feature, since it does not prohibit viewing in general. If you want to disable viewing in general, use other appropriate mechanisms (e.g. permissions).
If not provided or evaluating to false, this does not imply that instances can be viewed, since various more conditions must be fulfilled for that (e.g. permissions).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



This property can be specified on Attributes/AssociationEnds as well as on Classes.
If specified on
Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, while editing this feature, instances of the respective feature class cannot be edited in the same UI transaction.
If specified on
Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, this class cannot be edited directly, e.g. on the browser page or via the browser toolkit, but instead only implicit editing via containing relations is possible.
This should only be used to improve usability of the respective feature, since it does not prohibit editing in general. If you want to disable editing in general, use other appropriate mechanisms (e.g. permissions).
If not provided or evaluating to false, this does not imply that instances can be edited, since various more conditions must be fulfilled for that (e.g. permissions).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



This property can be specified on Attributes/AssociationEnds as well as on Classes.
If specified on
Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, while editing this feature, instances of the respective feature class cannot be removed from the respective collection (and thereby possibly deleted, depending).
If specified on
Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, this class cannot be deleted directly (and thereby possibly removed from containing associations, depending), e.g. on the browser page or via the browser toolkit, but instead only implicit deletion via removal on containing relations is possible.
This should only be used to improve usability of the respective feature, since it does not prohibit removing in general. If you want to disable removing in general, use other appropriate mechanisms (e.g. permissions).
If not provided or evaluating to false, this does not imply that instances can be removed, since various more conditions must be fulfilled for that (e.g. permissions).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, which evaluates to a boolean, and if true, while editing this feature, instances of the respective feature class cannot be reordered within the respective collection.
If not provided or evaluating to false, this does not imply that instances can be reordered, since various more conditions must be fulfilled for that (e.g. the implementation collection needs to support reordering).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A VUI entity that is used to visualise the current feature.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



An alternative attribute that is presented instead of the current attribute in case of readonly visualisation. Can be used if e.g. the visualisation shall based on multiple attributes of the same instance.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, an ADO feature null value will not be reported as an error, but silently covered with an empty VUIEntitySingle (usually rendered as an empty field).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is used to validate the ADO. By default the "validate" method is used.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is used to determine the problem status of the ADO.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that creates an array of ids. These ids specify the features which are considered in a grove search in method "getItemById".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, vui adapters are attached to ADO instances as accessories and reused.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, vui adapters are cached in the VUI vector adapter and reused.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



This expression is used as the key in a Hashtable to store and retrieve adapters for the respective ADO. The expression is used in a context, where this ADO is named "item".
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the OID is used as the key in a Hashtable to store and retrieve adapters for the respective ADO. This property has precedence over the XMVUI/AdapterCacheKey property.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is inserted in trigger methods before the actual ADO trigger method is invoked. If defined on class level, the code is used for each operation.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is inserted in trigger methods after the actual ADO trigger method is invoked. If defined on class level, the code is used for each operation.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is used to trigger an ADO method instead of the normal ADO trigger method. In contrast to property 'OperationTrigger', this body must include preparation of parameters and postprocessing of return value.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is used as the actual ADO method invocation instead of the normal ADO method call.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Certain features may play a specific role. E.g., in Spaces, normally, operations are classified as frame items, attributes of type Space as subspaces and all other attributes as content. The role property declares this explicitly (and overrides default classifications).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If given, this OCP aggregate specifies the VUI adapter for instances of the respective class. It is used instead of the generated basic VUI object adapter, but the latter is typically used within such OCP aggregates.
The aggregate is passed a single parameter named 'application_domain_object', containing the instance to be wrapped with this adapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If given, this OCP aggregate specifies the VUI adapter for class instances of the respective class (instances of class "Class"). It is used instead of the generated basic VUI object adapter, but the latter is typically used within such OCP aggregates.
The aggregate is passed a single parameter named 'application_domain_class', containing the class instance to be wrapped with this adapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If given, this OCP aggregate specifies the VUI adapter for instances of vectors of the respective class. It is used instead of the generated basic VUI many adapter, but the latter is typically used within such OCP aggregates.
The aggregate is passed a single parameter named 'application_domain_objects', containing the vector of instances to be wrapped with this adapter.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of expressions where each yields to a ManagerFactory which is registered to handle VUIEntities in the VUIEntityManager.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☐ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of expressions where each yields to a ManagerFactory which is registered to handle VUIEditors in the VUIEntityManager.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☐ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code to create a Retriever, which is used to obtain a choice set in the default selector for instances of this class. Such a selector is used, e.g., if an attribute of this type is edited. It is typically rendered as a choice box with a scrollable popup list.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the attributes of the retriever used in the default selector for this class are shown. This should be enabled, if the respective retriever has visible attributs. This is typically the case for a RetrieverFilter. The RetrieverAll does not have attributes, so this should be set to false.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Defines an alternative template type parameter to use for VUIEntitySlotTyped. E.g., for some readonly attributes it might be sufficient to use "Object". This saves template instances.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Defines an alternative slot type to be used for the filter attribute in the filter retriever. See SlotType.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



In certain situations, e.g. in selectors for filters, the DataSlot type differs from e.g. the choice set component type, which is typically based somehow on the associated core type. Therefore, the original core type is passed with this property.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Defines an alternative template type parameter to use for the DataSlot parameter for editors. See also GenericDataSlot.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the generic base class DataSlot without any template parameter is used as a parameter for editors. Overrides any definitions provided by DataSlotType.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Defines an alternative type for the items in an association. Normally, this type is derived automatically from the other association end. This setting is useful e.g. for dynamically managed instances (e.g. DynamicFeature).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that retrieves a choice set of type GenericVector for the respective attribute.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that retrieves a choice set for the respective attribute in filter retrievers.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that retrieves a choice set of factories to create values for the respective attribute.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Defines groups of features and specifies their properties. Groups are used to combine features into some entity, which is given by an OCP.
During construction of the aggregate, all features with the matching group id are passed as parameters.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If specified, this feature belongs to the group with the same id. Such features are not shown directly, but integrated into some aggregate.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If this feature belongs to a group, it is passed as a parameter with this name to the construtor of the group aggregate.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If provided, this feature can be used to recursively retrieve items of the same type, like e.g. a "Package" hierarchy. In tables and diagrams the nested leave items can be shown more compact if only these are shown and identified by the pathes via which they are reachable. To do that, the values of another attribute (as specified by the 'PathPart' property here, e.g. the "Name" attribute), are concatenated with a separator (as specified by the 'Separator' property here, e.g. ".") to build these pathes.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If specified, MemberChangeEvents received by the VUIAdapter are cloned and then renamed to the provided DynamicString expression. The default processor is "placeholder", and there are three parameters defined: "attribute_id", "group_id", and "name_in_group". This is useful for features that are reorganized into FeatureGroups, so that the respective events can be renamed properly. Otherwise listening objects, e.g. in the ALF layer, cannot categorise these events.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, ADO references are handled for interface VUI adapters. Refer to HandleADOReferences for more information.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, VUI adapters accept explicit reference instances to application domain objects in addition to normal language references. Furthermore, the respective VUI vector adapters create adapters for references to vector members if items are requested. This is a prerequisite to display tools that are attached to references instead of the instances themselves, which is the case with vector editing operations (delete a specific item from a set, append after a specific item etc.)
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☐ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, VUI adapters accept class objects (instances of class "Class") in addition to normal language references.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☐ logical model ∙ ☑ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code to specify the implementor of space.Selection
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A list of accessors which are called if the respective associated VUI adapter is asked for an item by path.
Normally, the VUI adapters return the features of objects according to their id, step by step, which are contained in the feature list of the adapter. With ItemByPathAccessors, arbitrary items with arbitrary pathes can be addressed. These items need not be contained in the feature list, i.e., they need not be browsable or visible in advance.
Each ItemByPathAccessor defines a starting id which selects it. In this case, the search for an item by path is delegated to the code defined by the accessor (ItemRetrieval).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☑ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is executed before the current VUIAdapter for this feature is accessed (via the getValue method of the adapters).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is executed after the current VUIAdapter for this feature has been accessed (via the getValue method of the adapters) and before it is returned.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is executed before the current preview for this feature is created (via the getPreview method of the adapters).
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that is executed after the current preview for this feature has been created (via the getPreview method of the adapters) and before it is returned.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that evaluates to a boolean and indicates whether the respective attribute will be indicated as an ActivePart in the VUI.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



A state condition that indicates whether the respective attribute will be indicated as having Focus in the VUI.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



Code, that evaluates to a boolean and indicates whether the respective attribute will be indicated as having Focus in the VUI.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☑ attributes ∙ ☐ operations ∙ ☑ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, the respective operation parameter, which must be of type long[], is automatically filled with the coordinates of the trigger that caused that operation to be invoked in a reasonable business logic related coordinate system. E.g., this might typically be mouse pointer coordinates.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states



If true, for each editing transaction started from within the VUI, the editors send notifications when they begin, are canceled or are finished. These notifications are routed through the respective DataSlot, the VUIObjectAdapterFeature_Attribute and finally into the corresponding AD level Factory or Editor (Instance) by setting the AD feature to 'ignored' during the transaction, so that any pre-validation is not disturbed by these ongoing transactions. This is necessary if more than one level of editors gets nested, but not always.
Note: at the moment, this property requires the property 'Ignorable' also to be set.
Applies to
▸ Model level: ☑ logical model ∙ ☐ technical model
▸ Model elements: ☐ packages ∙ ☐ classes ∙ ☐ attributes ∙ ☑ operations ∙ ☐ association ends ∙ ☐ states